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The vision is highly ambitious with the goal to provide a complete online learning environment combining online software courses with web lessons. The fundamental mode of presentation is through computer-based multimedia lectures consisting of digitalized graphics which are voice accompanied. Alongside the lectures, worked examples and exercises follow for student practice, in addition to quizzes, and homework sets to consolidate and inform student progress. The lectures capture the traditional nature of classroom instruction whilst also providing a means to progress at one’s own pace.

The web lessons (virtual classroom), go hand in hand with the online software where an assigned teacher will discuss the material in a live and interactive environment in which students and their teacher communicate just as in a traditional classroom setting. Along with any other encountered difficulties, the learner practises the associated content discourse and learns to communicate and express their ideas and thinking. In addition, there are various prepared documents that can be shared online, e-books, flash cards and other materials, as well as a common whiteboard on which to write. The teachers will help students make, refine, and further explore concepts presented in the software using a variety of techniques to bring about a deeper understanding.

Elements of the Cambridge System

Learning Contents
Review and chat function
Progress Report
Placement and Diagnostic Testing
Reservation for Online Classes
Safety and Security

The Courses (Lectures, Worked Examples and Exercises)

There are a series of mini lectures that provide detailed information on each new topic; introducing new concepts one step at a time and followed by worked examples. The lectures and examples provide coherent step by step explanations which are easy to visualise and comprehend. After the lectures and worked examples, students try exercises for themselves which are continuously graded as they move through the course. Additional lectures are also incorporated at various stages when new concepts connected to the topic are introduced. Furthermore, exercise sets are often also introduced by brief explanatory lectures which may include instructions that are specific to a particular set of exercises. The assigned teacher is able to monitor student progress through a set of reports inbuilt into the system in each topic area and provides the necessary feedback both in monthly reports and in the virtual classroom. This scaffolded approach ensures that the student proceeds step by step, building on preceding notions in bite size pieces for a thorough understanding of the material.


There are several kinds of review, all of which provide different focal points: The first type is the software program itself. At various points within the program, questions arise based on previous topics so as to help keep the student in touch with previously learnt material. Secondly, there are also special sections in the program usually towards the end of a major topic, that are called Review. Thirdly, when an insufficient number of questions have been answered correctly within a lesson, the system automatically generates more questions of a similar type to practise on. Finally, at the end of each major topic there are also “Math races” where you pit your knowledge and wits against the computer in a race as well as games to consolidate learning. You may also review exercises through the Search function. This method allows you to use your discretion to review previously studied material and attempt the same questions again, though these will not count towards your overall score.

Smooth communication as you can check read and unread messages

You can ask questions right away if you don't understand something! The 'Contact Teacher' chat function

When you are solving a problem, you can ask your teacher immediately if you think ”I don't understand...”. When you make a reservation or change the time for an online lesson, it is automatically sent to the chat immediately as well, and there is a read/unread function to facilitate communication.

* Chat messages will be replied to within 2 business days in general.


Students are able to view a summary of all the work they have completed to date by viewing “progress reports”. The reports give a detailed account of how well the students performed on each lesson along with other parameters providing a summary of progress in the course. For example, students can see their completion rate, the number of questions answered correctly or incorrectly as well as the percentage scores in each section of the course. There are also a number of charts depicting similar and other information. In addition, the assigned teacher will provide further comments in the form of a monthly report which provide additional but important commentary as part of the instructional support.

Placement and Diagnostic Tests

For the mathematics courses, we generally recommend that students begin at their current grade level, unless they have demonstrated that their mathematical knowledge is either well advanced or behind. It is possible for your child to be placed in a different level to their grade level; perhaps to start further along in a course if they have already studied some of the material. Similarly, those who need to review material can be placed at an appropriate level also.

The mathematics courses are structured according to various levels which roughly correspond to the elementary course grade levels. Thus, the level one course is broadly the same as an elementary grade one course. The difference is that our courses tend to cover more material and are more thorough in their presentation and application, so you will often find material that goes beyond the scope of traditional curriculums. Please note however that all the course material included is valuable to the study of mathematics and has significant learning value. For the Phonics courses, we recommend starting from the beginning of the course due to the nature of the method synthetic phonics in learning to read and write. Again, though it is possible to start elsewhere within the course if it be so determined.

Our diagnostic tests consist of a trial web lesson and our online placement tests to help determine the most appropriate starting point based on the child’s needs at the current time. We recommend first doing a trial web lesson, and if necessary, take one of our online placement tests.

Immediate notification of lesson reservations and cancellations

Easily reserve, change, and manage your online lessons!

'You can reserve a ticket-based online lesson from the ''Reservation for Online Lesson'' page. 'About the handling of reservation cancellations... The deadline is one hour before the lesson on the day of the reservation. If you cancel before the deadline, the number of lessons will not be reduced.'

You can reserve lessons from the 'Reservation for Online Lesson' page

You can reserve a lesson from the 'Reservation for Online Lesson' page. Click (tap) the day and time of your choice which shows [Reservation Available]. When the teacher accepts the reservation offer, an email will be sent to the parent's registered email address. An email will also be sent in case of cancellation. Students can also check the reservation details from the 'Announcements' on the top page.

You can check your lesson schedule from the 'Check Schedule' page.

You can check what lessons have been reserved from the 'Reservation for Online Lesson' page

Use the ”Parents and Guardians’ Page” which is protected by a password issued exclusively to you

Safe and Secure Payment System

Payment is made through the Parents and Guardians’ page. The page can only be accessed with a ”parents and guardians” password” issued exclusively and sent to you by e-mail, preventing your child from doing incorrect actions and protecting sensitive information.

There is a “Parents and Guardians Only Chat” as well

In addition to the chat function for children to communicate with their teacher, there is a “Parents and Guardians Only chat” function. Parents can use the chat function to ask the teachers questions after logging into the “Parents and Guardians’ Page” with the parents and guardians” password. Unread and read marks are displayed, so you will know immediately if your message has been received.